James Hazelwood

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The New Age of being Younger when you are Older

Below you'll see a photograph of my mother (center) with her brother and sister.  They are 80, 82 and 84.

In many ways, these three are my heroes. 

If you follow this blog with any regularity, you are aware of my recent efforts to take back my health.  On December 16, I experienced a bit of a conversion.  I read the book, Younger Next Year, and began a regular commitment to exercise 6 days a week, and stop eating crap.  I woke up today, March 11, 2015, and weighed myself.  I came in at 225.6 lbs.  I've lost 20 pounds off my peak last fall, I feel much better, sleep better, and am looking forward to a longer life.

While there are no guarantees in life, the fact of the matter is that people who eat well and exercise regularly live longer and healthier lives.  My mother, aunt and uncle are examples.  They are all in their early 80's, and enjoying life.  Yes, they each have had and have their ailments.  But, they are each living in their own homes, still drive, have social lives, purpose, etc.  How did they get here?  They have had active lifestyles for their entire lives.  Despite the fact that their parents were not interested in sports, they each embraced athletics - swimming, volleyball, golf, tennis, hiking, skiing.  Today, the exercise is more modest for each of them, but they continue to move their bodies everyday.

So, this is a toast to all those young older people in our society.  If we all want to join them, it would be worthwhile to get off the couch and start moving.